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Inc.: 8 Great Pieces of Advice From Women’s Entrepreneurship Day at the United Nations

Inc.: 8 Great Pieces of Advice From Women’s Entrepreneurship Day at the United Nations

I recently attended Women’s Entrepreneurship Day at United Nations Headquarters in New York City. The annual event, held each November and commemorated in 144 countries around the world, celebrates women in businesses, and focuses on ways to help empower and support women entrepreneurs.

While there were many great speakers who shared powerful ideas – and I was able to livestream some of their talks to thousands of people (I will write about my livestreaming experience in a separate article soon) – here is a selection of advice (in no particular order) from several of the speakers. Some of the material is directed at individuals, and some at societies in general – but all of it applies to both men and women…

To read the rest of the article please visit it on the Inc. website at: 8 Great Pieces of Advice From Women’s Entrepreneurship Day at the United Nations

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