Pre-2005 Articles By Cybersecurity Expert Joseph Steinberg
Please note that this list includes promotional pieces written when Steinberg was Director of Technical Services at Whale Communications, later acquired by Microsoft:
Updated and expanded version of “Secure Remote Access to Your Domino Infrastructure,” The View: Notes/Domino Security – An Administrator’s Guide, March 2004, with Joshua Hosseinof
“Using SSL VPNs for Remote Access to Lotus Applications: The Security What, Why, and How,” The View: The Technical Journal for Lotus Notes and Domino, Special Edition: 2004 Technical Solutions Supplement, November 2003
“Third Party Computers Present New Challenges for SSL VPNs,” SSL VPN Central, September 2003
How to Secure SSL VPNs (Published anonymously as a Whale Communications white paper with credits to me in the document properties) (Syndicated to many web sites including BitPipe)
“SSL VPN Security – Secure Remote Access from Any Web Browser,” SANS Reading Room, May 2003,
“Secure Remote Access to Your Domino Infrastructure,” The View: The Technical Journal for Lotus Notes and Domino, Volume 8, Issue 4, July/August 2002, with Joshua Hosseinof
“Untangling Security Issues to Enable Web-based Email Access,” SC Magazine (online), May 2002
“Messaging Security: Lock Down Web-Based Mail Systems,” e-Business Advisor, May 2002
“Mail Safe Security,” IT Services & Solutions, April 2002
“Introducing Air Gap Technology,” PricewaterhouseCoopers Cryptographic Centre of Excellence Journal, Issue 6, March 2002