CyberSecurity Expert Joseph Steinberg To Speak At Penn Club About CyberSecurity
CyberSecurity Expert Joseph Steinberg will deliver a talk at the Penn Club in New York City on October 29th.
The Penn Club provided the following description of Steinberg’s talk, appropriately titled A Spooky Drive Into CyberSecurity for the Halloween season, and which will be run as a joint event with the Columbia Club:
Join us for Halloween fun. What does cybersecurity hold for you tricks or treats? Don’t let hackers bring you tricks. We will guide you to the treats! Like it or not, we are all facing increased threats from costly hacker attacks and data breaches. Yet, much of what we have been taught about how to protect ourselves is wrong.
In this session, Joseph Steinberg, author of CyberSecurity for Dummies and a Columbia University lecturer on the subject, will show you how you can improve your odds of staying cybersecure, no matter your level of technological sophistication. He will also discuss some of the newer ways that cybercriminals are using Artificial Intelligence for illicit purposes — and what that means for you.
In addition, Steinberg will discuss recent events (such as the CrowdStrike-Microsoft incident in July that caused widespread system failures and the cancellation of many flights), and explore how various government attempts to protect consumers have proven counterproductive — worsening our collective cybersecurity posture instead of improving it — and how governments can better keep us safe from cybercriminals. Please join us to learn how to protect ourselves better against cybercriminals…
As this event is a private event for members of the Penn Club and Columbia Club, for more information please contact the Penn Club.