BEWARE: Criminals Are Selling Fraudulent Expert Opinion Letters From “Me” In Support of CyberSecurity Professionals Seeking Immigration Visas to The United States
I have been made aware that one or more criminals are offering – in exchange for payment, of course – custom-written letters allegedly written and signed by me supporting applicants’ petitions for Alien of Extraordinary Ability visas to the United States. I have been sent a copy of one such letter – it was well written, and, at least at first glance, highly convincing.
I have never written any such letters, and I have never signed any such letters.
Furthermore, it should be obvious that I would never write such a letter for someone with whom I was not familiar for a significant period of time – and would never accept payment for doing otherwise.
While I am not an attorney, and do not provide legal advice, it seems likely to me that it may be a serious federal crime to submit any such fraudulent letters to US immigration officials in an attempt to obtain a particular visa to the United States. Selling such letters is obviously a criminal act.
To those who are perpetrating the fraud, please be aware that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been notified, and law enforcement has already launched an investigation.